Mark Items on Sale

To get to Mark Items On Sale, type markitemsonsale into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Register > Mark Items On Sale.

How are sale items applied at the register?

Note: If an item marked on sale is also part of a Yield Management adjustment, the Yield Management adjustment will take precedence and the sale price will not be used.

  • When an "on sale" item is added to the register Smart Receipt, the price of the item is automatically adjusted based on the discount type configured in the sale.
  • Selecting the sale item in the Smart Receipt reveals the usual details, along with the name of the sale that was applied.
  • If the item on sale is configured to disallow the application of any discounts, you are still able to replace the "sale" with a discount in the register, provided you have Grant access to the following security key: Register > Register > Discount > Replace Item on Sale Discount.
  • Sales created through the Mark Items on Sale feature are not reflected in Online Booking prices. OB prices are based on Price Levels in the service definition.

Are all services and products available to mark on sale?

For a service or product to be eligible to mark on sale, it must be active and it must not be a part of another sale that occurs during the same date range.

Note: Once a product is marked on sale, it will remain available for sale in the register regardless of its on-hand count or discontinued status.

How are sales applied to services that have employee-specific pricing?

The sale is applied to the employee-specific price.

How does an Item Marked on Sale affect employee commission?

An employee can receive commission based on the post-discount price of the item. This adjustment automatically gives the employee a new starting commission price. It cannot be removed, which is why the "Full Commission" option is not available in the register if this is the only discount on the transaction. Note price adjustments from Items Marked on Sale are always honored in commission calculations, even if Full Commission is enabled. 

Marking items on sale

  1. From the Mark Items On Sale search form, select Add New.
  2. Display Name: Enter a name that will make this item easy to identify in lists or menus in Meevo.
  3. Start Date and End Date: The beginning and end dates for the sale.
  4. Allow discounts to be applied to items in this sale: Allows additional automatic and manual discounts to be applied to the sale price of services and products. No automatic discounts, including Member Benefit Templates, will be applied if this option is not enabled.

Note: Even if the Allow discounts option is not enabled, setting the following security key to Grant will allow you to replace the sale with a selected discount: Register > Register > Discount > Replace Item on Sale Discount

  1. Select the Services or Products tab and select your sale items:
  2. Use the filters above the movers to refine the list of available items.
  3. Use the movers to select the services or products to place on sale.
  4.  Discount Types: Select Special Price, Amount Off, or Percent Off, and enter the Discount Amount.
  5. When finished, select Save.

Business Types and data in Central Office

If you configured Business Types, select one from the Business Types drop-down. Only locations of the same Business Type will have access to this item once it is made available.

Reminder: Business Types are a way to categorize locations that offer vastly different services. For example, a Med Spa location would be set to a different Business Type than, say, a hair salon. In this way, Business Types ensure that unrelated data does not appear at a location (such as a Men's Haircut service appearing in a MedSpa's services list). For the vast majority of businesses, Business Types are not necessary.

Select Make available to locations to make this item immediately available to locations. In Location Options, you can exclude locations and manage how Meevo handles local overrides.

Note: If you select a Business Type and make an item available to locations, then after saving, you cannot change from one Business Type to another. However, you can at any time change from a single Business Type to All Business Types (as long as All Business Types is an available option for this item).

Editing "on sale" items

Note: Some fields on the form may not be editable if the current location is not the item's Home Location. 

Note: Once an item is saved with a Business Type selected and the item is made available to locations, then the Business type cannot be changed to anything other than All Business Types.

  1. Locate and select the sale.
  2. Select Edit, and make your changes.
  3. When finished, select Save.