Creating Services

To get to Services, type service into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Data > Services.

Tip: If creating several records that have similar details, select Copy to create a new record with fields identical to the one you just copied. This can save you a lot of time when creating data in Meevo. Note Central Office cannot copy items that are owned by a location.

  1. From the Services search form, select Add New.
  2. Enter a Display Name and Shortcut. The Shortcut should make it easy to identify the service, so we recommend using a code that includes the Service Category, Service, and a unique detail about the service (such as its time). For example, a 60-minute Swedish massage might have the shortcut MASWED60.
  3. This service is not bookable: Select this option if you are creating a service that is strictly an add-on. See Creating Service Add-ons for details on add-ons.
  • Available in packages only: If selected, the service cannot be sold in the register as a standalone service; it instead must be accrued or purchased as part of a package.
  1. Ignore the "Limit the ability to book an appointment unless there are X employees available" Business Information setting when booking this service: When this option is enabled, the service can be booked regardless of how many employees are available. If this option is not enabled, then you cannot book the service if doing so would make the number of available employees less than what is configured in this setting in Business Preferences.
  2. Include in 5 Star Ratings: A ratings request will be sent to the client after this service is checked out. Note 5 Star Ratings notifications must be set up to use this option properly.
  3. Exclude from all point promotions: Points will not be earned for any promotion as a result of checking out this service when this option is enabled. This will also remove the service from the list of available services in Client Point Promotions.
  4. We recommend entering a description to give clients a better understanding of the service being offered. The Long Description appears in various client-facing Meevo screens like Online Booking, eGift, and Walk-in Manager.The Short Description is better used for add-ons or for easier-to-explain services that don't require a long description. 
  5. Select a Service Category for this service.

Note: CO-owned Service Categories can only be assigned to CO-owned services, while location-owned Service Categories can only be assigned to location-owned services.

  1. Select a Visit Note Type to associates this service with a specific Visit Note Type. When you complete a transaction that includes a service with an associated Visit Note Type, Meevo displays a pop-up window where you can quickly enter any visit notes. This encourages front desk employees to enter visit notes at the end of the transaction.
    1. The Business Information setting Prompt to enter visit notes upon completion of a transaction for services configured with a visit note type must be enabled for the pop-up window to appear.
  • Visit notes appear in the AQ020 and AQ022 reports.
  1. Add-On Settings: See Creating Service Add-ons for details on service add-ons.
  1. Price Levels: These are the default, pre-tax prices you will charge for the service based on the level of the employee performing the service. 
  2. Non-Taxable: If selected, this service will not incur a tax at the register. Enabling this option hides Tax Applied.
  3. Tax Applied: Select a tax rate for this service. The available options for tax rates are in Currency and Tax.
  4. Service Steps: By default, three steps appear for you to edit and reorder, but you can add to or remove those steps as needed.
  1. Display Name: Enter a Display Name that easily identifies this service step.
  2. Service Step Type:
  • Gap: Gap steps are generally used during "wait" periods, for example during a color service. A gap step does not require an employee to be present, but it can occupy a resource if configured that way (see Resource below).
  • Other: Select Other for any step types that aren't listed here. Other steps require an employee to be present.
  • Resource: This is a "resource-only" step type, meaning it does not require an employee to be present, but the time does occupy a resource. For example, you could create a service with a single Resource step to make the service and resource bookable with no employee (as long as the resource is available). A service with a Resource step also requires a Resource (selected from the Resources tab) in order to be booked.

To make a resource-only service bookable in Online Booking, make sure it is configured only with step types that do not require an employee: a Resource step type and, if necessary, Gap steps. Any step type that requires an employee, even if set to 0 minutes, will prevent a resource-only service from appearing in Online Booking. 

  • Servicing: Select this to create a Servicing step, which requires an employee.
  1. Duration: Configure the duration of the step.
  2. Select any Equipment that is required to perform the service step. 
  3. Clean-up time (final Service step only): If this checkbox is enabled, then the employee will be considered "booked" during this service step, but the client will not. This means you can book services back-to-back under the same appointment and the client can receive these services without interruption, as the second service will begin at the same time as the start of the first service's clean-up step. You can choose whether or not to include this "unproductive" step time in productivity calculations.

Note: Clean-up steps do not have any visual indicators on the Appointment Book.

  1. Require address in Appointment Editor: When enabled, selecting this service in Appointment Editor will automatically reveal required Address fields in the editor. When the appointment is saved, these fields can be viewed via the Smart Assistant's Custom window.
  2. Only bookable during Events: Restricts this service's availability to Events only. Go here for more information on Events.
  3. Bookable online: Makes this service available to clients for Online Booking. See Enabling Online Booking for complete details on enabling OB.
  4. This service requires a deposit: When this option is enabled, a client will be required to leave a deposit if booking this service through Online Booking. The Deposit percentage/amount required field will default to the Online Booking deposit amount/percentage defined in Online Booking Settings, but you can override that here to charge a specific amount/percentage for this particular service.
  5. Enable Intelli-Booking: Makes this service eligible for service-specific Intelli-Booking timings. See Enabling Intelli-Booking for complete details, including streamlined steps for enabling Intelli-Booking.
  6. Available in eGift: Enable this option to make this service available in eGift. This option appears only if the eGift integration is enabled.
  7. In the Appointment section:
  8. Frequency of Visit (in number of weeks): Recommended frequency, in weeks, of how often a client should come in to receive this service. If this value is set to zero (0), no Rebook options appear for this service.

Tip: See this topic for details on rebook rules and the location/priority of Frequency of Visit settings, or see this topic for step-by-step guidance on rebooking a client.

  1. Include in average ticket calculations: Includes sales of this service in the average ticket calculations used in reports.
  2. Do not allow service step timing adjustments when booking: Disables the ability to adjust the service step timings in the Appointment Book's Appointment Editor and in Standing Appointments. Users can still view the step timings, but they cannot adjust them.
  3. Display prompt when double booking this service: If this service is being double-booked, a conflict message appears to the user. Go here for an explanation of conflict message options.
  4. Do not collect tips for this service: If this option is enabled, Meevo will not allocate any tip amount for the performing of this service. If the service is part of a package that has prepaid tips, the servicing employee will not receive the prepaid tip either.
  5. In the Gender Options section, select the client genders to whom the service will be available. This does not exclude other genders from being able to book this service. If attempting to book this service with a client whose gender is not selected here, Meevo will display a warning message that you can click through to book the appointment.
  6. Show as PRIVATE when viewing history: Hides this service name in the Client profile > History tab > Transaction History screen and Appointment History screen.
  7. Service Charges: This table displays all configured Service Charges for this service.
  8. Cost Per Service: You must manually enter a value into this field, as Meevo does not automatically calculate it for you. As you determine the Cost Per Service, keep in mind it should be the average of every cost that goes into performing a single service. This field is important for the MA030/COMA030 Service Profitability Analysis report.
  9. Select Save to create the service. 

Business Types and data in Central Office

If you configured Business Types, select one from the Business Types drop-down. Only locations of the same Business Type will have access to this item once it is made available.

Reminder: Business Types are a way to categorize locations that offer vastly different services. For example, a Med Spa location would be set to a different Business Type than, say, a hair salon. In this way, Business Types ensure that unrelated data does not appear at a location (such as a Men's Haircut service appearing in a MedSpa's services list). For the vast majority of businesses, Business Types are not necessary.

Select Make available to locations to make this item immediately available to locations. In Location Options, you can exclude locations and manage how Meevo handles local overrides.

Note: If you select a Business Type and make an item available to locations, then after saving, you cannot change from one Business Type to another. However, you can at any time change from a single Business Type to All Business Types (as long as All Business Types is an available option for this item).